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Yule Witch Sabbath December 21

Yule, 21st of December, Winter Solstice

Sun festival (Solstice Sabbath) Julfest 21st of December Jul means wheel, the wheel of life Wheel of the seasons run Overcoming death in nature Awakening life that is not yet visible Pregnancy, resurrection, rebirth Shortest day and longest night Beginning of the new cycle in the cycle of life Returning sun, the end of the descent Birth of the new light Aspect of life in death December 24th Mother night. Smoke nights always went from night to night. Beginning of the 12 smoke nights 25th December to 5th January Our ancestors believed that in the nights "between the years" the spirits went round, dead souls return and Demons are up to mischief.

Yule Winter Solstice Twelve Nights English Video Link:

The old Yul festival in Scandinavia was celebrated from December 22 to January 13. More about the story. Link: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jul WICCA Link:

Video Info Link:

Yule Witch Sabbath December 21

Yule Witch Sabbath December 21 Link:

Smoke nights 12 nights

Once a rather dreaded time in which one had to follow clear rules

so as not to be plagued by nature and other spirits

(or worse), they are often today at a time of contemplation,

of smoking, of nights that are filled with dream work and reflection.

In the meantime, e.g. in Iceland the dreaded Yule cat and the 13 Santa Claus "Jólasveinar" their mischief (the latter underwent quite a few changes over the years from rough to lovely), here the wild hunt hunted across the sky and through the country (depending on tradition and time of different Leaders like Wotan, Holle, Percht, led ...) and / or fairies were appeased so that they bless the coming months and thus the new year. To name a few myths.

And later it was saints who were brought to your side so that they would protect you from the pagan misery that the "wild forces" brought with them in the church's interpretation during this unholy time ...

Above all, it is worthwhile to use the time to go out into nature, to feel the energies, to perceive them on site, to smoke, to bless, to thank and to think.

Because in a time in which for some the smoke nights begin on the 21st (solstice) and for the others on the 24th (Christmas Eve / Christmas night) it is not so important that the date is correct, but that this holy time of the feels, uses, and weaves his own personal magic into it.

And the world needs magic right now.

Blessed Be.

Blessed Yule

Star gate into the age of Aquarius Yule 21 December 2020

Great conjunction Jupiter and Saturn.Link:

Julfest Wintersonnenwende Deutsch Video

Yule Winter solstice English Video

Yule Solstice d'hiver Francais Video

Yule Ritual Winter Solstice Twelve Nights 2020 English

Yule Ritual Solstizio d'inverno dodici notti 2020

Yule Ritual Smartphone, Weihnachten, Rauhnächte, Magic of Brighid Spells Video


Rauhnächte Yule Ritual Aberglaube Link: Rauhnächte wilde Jagd und stille Zeit. Doku-Fiktion am 28., 29. und 30. Dezember 2020, 18:15 bis 18:45 Uhr im SWR Fernsehen Baden-Württemberg Video Link: Quellen Link: Neujahrsgrüße Link: Glückliches Neues Jahr , Happy New year, Bonne Année Animation Video 16:9 Link: Glückliches Neues Jahr Smartphone, Happy New year, Bonne Année Video9:16 Link:


Smoke nights Yule Rituals Superstition Link: Winter solstice Happy New Year Greetings Superstition Link: Rauhnächte Yule Ritual Aberglaube Link: Unfortunately only in Germany. Rough nights, wild hunting and quiet time. Documentary fiction on December 28, 29 and 30, 2020, 6:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. on Germany SWR TV Baden-Württemberg VideoLink: Source Link: Happy New Year Greetings Link: Glückliches Neues Jahr , Happy New year, Bonne Année Animation Video 16:9 Link: Glückliches Neues Jahr Smartphone, Happy New year, Bonne Année Video9:16 Link:


Fumée nuits Yule Sorcières Rituels Superstition Link: Winter solstice Salutations de bonne année Link: Malheureusement seulement en Allemagne. Nuits agitées, chasse sauvage et temps calme. Documentaire de fiction les 28, 29 et 30 décembre 2020, 18 h 15 à 18 h 45 sur Allemagne SWR TV Baden-Württemberg VideoLien: source Lien: Salutations de bonne année Francais Lien: Glückliches Neues Jahr , Happy New year, Bonne Année Animation Video 16:9 Lien: Glückliches Neues Jahr Smartphone, Happy New year, Bonne Année Video9:16 Lien:


Fumo notti Yule Streghe Rituali Superstizione Link: Winter solstice Auguri di buon anno Link: Purtroppo solo in Germania. Notti dure, caccia selvaggia e tempo tranquillo. Fiction documentaria il 28, 29 e 30 dicembre 2020, 18:15 alle 18:45 su Germania SWR TV Baden-Württemberg Collegamento VideoLink: Source Link: Auguri di buon anno Link: Glückliches Neues Jahr , Happy New year, Bonne Année Animation Video 16:9 Link: Glückliches Neues Jahr Smartphone, Happy New year, Bonne Année Video9:16 Link:

Glückliches Neues Jahr Smartphone, Happy New year Video

Happy New Year animated, Bonne année, Neujahrsgruesse Video


Smartphone Pages Witches Weel of the Year

Yule Witch Sabbath December 21 Link:

Imbolc Witch Sabbath Link:

Ostara Witch Sabbath March 21 spring day and night same Link:

Beltane Moon Festival Witch Sabbath April 30 to May 1 Link:

Litha Witch Sabbath June 21st summer solstice Kupala Link:

Lughnasad Lammas Witch Sabbath August 1st reaper feast Link:

Mabon Witch Sabbath September 21st autumn day and night same Link:

Samhain Witch Sabbath October 31st to November 1st Dead memory Halloween Link: Halloween parties Link:

Witches Sabbath Link:

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